Unknown said...

Can you post the days/hours you are open? When do you open for the season? Thanks. Karen

Unknown said...

Also, I can't get the coupon to print out. Thanks. kfeltham@embarqmail.com

Bob Berbee said...

Our opening day is April 15th. Hours will be Mon-Sat. 8-7 and Sun. from 12-5. I will add you to our e-mail list. Thanks for checking out the new website.

Tonya said...

Hello Bon !
I would love to get dinnerplate dahlias started now in the grn hs as my son is getting married end of june and I`m supplying the boquets of dinnerplates for their reception.. I was wondering if I could order a bunch and come and pick them up now. I have a venders as well.
Thanks !
Tonya Cole @ Victorian Meadows Greenhouse - Rushsylvania

dave said...

love your new sign in front of the greenhouse